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Read online Prairie Avenue Cookbook : Recipes and Recollections from Prominent 19th-Century Chicago Families by Carol Callahan in EPUB, PDF


This enchanting cookbook by Carol Callahan allows us to reverse time and transcend space in order to enter a period and place in American history when confidence abounded and all things seemed possible and some Chicago families were able to live in a manner never to be equaled. Judge for yourself. The thirty-five illustrations that accompany the text document what a grand life-style it was. "If you want to see the richest half-dozen blocks in Chicago. . . drive down Prairie Avenue from Sixteenth Street to Twenty-second. Right there is a cluster of millionaires not to be matched for numbers anywhere else in the country." --Chicago Herald, 1887 And the Herald wasn't guilty of braggadocio. Prairie Avenue was home to such august individuals as Marshall Field, George Pullman, Philip Armour, Gustavus Swift, William Kimball, Samuel Allerton, Joseph Sears, and John Glessner. Among the delights they enjoyed were the joys of the table--the recipes for which, preserved by family members, are shared here for the first time. Carol Callahan makes it possible to taste the flavors of that opulent era with a collection of more than two hundred historic recipes from the prominent nineteenth-century families of Prairie Avenue. All of the recipes have been tested and modernized for today's cook. They range from everything you might like for breakfast to however you'd like your oysters to snacks, soups, salads, entrées, preserves, desserts, and some power-packed Prairie Avenue party punches. To place these dishes in their proper context, Callahan includes family anecdotes gathered through oral history interviews that encompass food, meals, health, and entertainment as well as other aspects of nineteenth-century Chicago life. Callahan devotes part of the book to discussions of the foods available to Prairie Avenue residents, the impact of the rapidly changing technology on cooking, the fine art of dining, the ritual of calling, the problems and pleasures of servants in the household, the children of Prairie Avenue, and the effect of the 1893 World's Colombian Exposition on Chicago. Whether you elect to prepare these Victorian delights or simply savor them in your imagination, the Prairie Avenue Cookbook is sumptuous fare.

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Arnold (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen), General Editor S.Wu (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) Robert W.This publication is therefore of immense artistic and historical value, and the first project of its kind to encompass, and give a detailed account of the participation of all Russian authors, and members of the professional and children's juries, in the World Press Photo competition.The kitchen 4. The dining room 5.That is Thomson's question in this grand adventure of a book, vital to anyone trying to make sense of the age of screens-the age that, more than ever, we are living in., The definitive story of the medium that defines our times The Big Screen tells the enthralling story of the movies: their rise and spread, their remarkable influence over us, and the technology that made the screen as important as the images it carries.At the same time, movies, offering a seductive escape from everyday reality and its responsibilities, have made it possible for us to evade life altogether.In this all-new color edition, Graham Hansen takes a step-by-step approach to selecting the best OEM or aftermarket block, crank, rods, and pistons to construct your big-inch short block.Taking his inspiration from the changing seasons, talented chef Myles shows how to make mouth-watering dishes such as Wild Garlic Flower Salad, Irish Lamb with Micro Spring Greens, Fresh Sardines on Toast with Tomato Butter, Pumpkin Pancakes, Brioche French Toast with Crème Fraîche and Stewed Fruits, and Sticky Toffee Apple Crumble.After a tense confrontation, President Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard and Wallace backed down, allowing Vivian Malone and James Hood to become the first African Americans to enroll successfully at their state'sflagship university.A House in the Sunflowers tells of their love affair with the house; from the ups and downs of buying and renovating it, to the challenge of becoming part of the local French community.In addition, the final chapter includes seven different combinations for big-inch power, complete with dyno graphs!Yet in fact, the opposite is true.Reed Foundation Grant, and has received the Aaron Siskind Individual Photographer's Fellowship, the New York Foundation on the Arts Photography Fellowship, as well as many other artist grants.